Click on Journal tab, the Edit >> Add line. An entry contains the following fields :
- Date : the entry date, must be between min and max dates set while creating a new accounting.
- Object : a physical proof of the entry. It is not necessary to fill this field.
- Label : the entry label. FreeDebks uses labels to match similar entries and help user to quickly write repeated operations.
- Debit : you have to fill either this or the next field. FreeDebks will help you complete the account id.
- Debit account : debit account label. You can fill this field by writing either an account id or a label.
- Credit : behaves like Debit.
- Credit account : behaves like Debit account.
- Amount : the entry amount.
When entries are written, you can dispatch them into accounts with the command Accounting >> Recompute all.
Next step : Create a new year.